Bob Curto

O short bob é um corte de cabelo curto e moderno, caracterizado pelo comprimento do cabelo que atinge o queixo ou um pouco acima, com um formato reto ou ligeiramente assimétrico. Pode apresentar pontas rombas ou texturizadas, dependendo do estilo desejado. Este corte é versátil, funcionando bem com cabelos lisos, ondulados ou cacheados, tornando-o uma opção sofisticada, mas de baixa manutenção, para um visual chique e moderno.

Women with short bob haircuts showcasing chic, timeless, and versatile hairstyles for a modern and elegant look.
Women with short bob haircuts showcasing chic, timeless, and versatile hairstyles for a modern and elegant look
Women with short bob haircuts showcasing chic, timeless, and versatile hairstyles for a modern and elegant look
Women with short bob haircuts showcasing chic, timeless, and versatile hairstyles for a modern and elegant look.
Women with short bob haircuts showcasing chic, timeless, and versatile hairstyles for a modern and elegant look
Women with short bob haircuts showcasing chic, timeless, and versatile hairstyles for a modern and elegant look
Women with short bob haircuts showcasing chic, timeless, and versatile hairstyles for a modern and elegant look
Women with short bob haircuts showcasing chic, timeless, and versatile hairstyles for a modern and elegant look
Women with short bob haircuts showcasing chic, timeless, and versatile hairstyles for a modern and elegant look